Below is a series of links and contact details for various organisations and online resources which may be able to help you or answer any questions you have. Before emailing me, I encourage you to explore these links first.

If you still need help after exploring the links below, then you can raise an issue with me by emailing, including your address, details of your case and any further information that may be relevant.

I receive hundreds of emails a month from constituents and my casework team and I will do everything we can to advocate for Sefton Central constituents, no matter the case at hand.

Please be aware that I can only take on the cases of constituents living in Sefton Central.


Read about and apply for benefits here.

Calculate your benefit entitlement with entitledto or turn2us.

Get help applying for Universal Credit from Citizens Advice here.


Raise issues regarding Council services using the online form here or 0345 140 0845.

Report missed bin collection here.

Get support from your local councillor here.


Get advice from Mental Health Matters here and at 0800 616 171.

Contact Samaritans 24/7 at 116 123 and here.

Access the NHS Mental Health Crisis Service here and at 0300 200 0011.


You can find information regarding your rights at work from Trades Union Congress here, Citizens Advice here, from Acas here and from the government here.


You can get support from the South Sefton Food Bank here and the Southport Foodbank here. For more information from the council on foodbanks, click here.

Age Concern Liverpool and Sefton can be reached here.


Find housing advice from Shelter here.

If you are homeless or are at risk of homelessness, you can get support from Sefton Council here.

Further information is provided by Citizens Advice here.


For support with sexual violence and abuse regardless of age or gender identity, and whether it is recent, historic or ongoing, contact the Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre (RASA) Merseyside via email or telephone 0151 558 1801 or for more information visit the website here.


If you need help with anything not listed here, or you need further support on the issues raised above, please contact me at and I will do my best to help you.

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